Release Versions

A release version refers to a specific version of the CourseKata textbook that has been finalized and made available to students for use. Each release version represents a complete and stable iteration of the course material, with all the assignments and assessments that are intended for student use. To ensure the continuous improvement of the course content,there are 3-4 releases per year. Currently the release dates are March 1, July 1, December 1.

Purpose of Release Versions

The primary purpose of these updates is to implement improvements to the course material and correct any errors that may have been identified since the previous release. The updates included in each release are a culmination of extensive feedback (from students and instructors), data-based evaluation, and refinement processes. The purpose is to improve the learning experience for students by incorporating hundreds of minor improvements and, at times, major changes to the course content or structure. In this release version overview, you will find detailed documentation of the changes that have been implemented with each release.

Overview of Major Release Version Changes

This overview serves as a comprehensive record of the evolution of the course material over time, highlighting the enhancements, modifications, and updates introduced in each iteration. By exploring the different release versions, you can gain insight into how the course has evolved and improved, providing you with a valuable resource to understand the progression and quality of the CourseKata textbook. Beyond changes to the course materials, we also capture changes or revisions to the student surveys by release version here.

Release Version 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2

Release date: June-August 2024

Revision Book(s)
  • major revision of A4 (ch4)
  • minor revision of G1 (ch2)
  • minor revision of X2 (ch2)
  • a few pages of A2 (ch2) were split up (A2 has more pages)

Release Version 5.5 and 5.5.1

Release date: March 2024

Revision Book(s)
  • major revision of A3 (ch3)
  • C1-C3 (ch10-12 in ABC and ABCD; ch4-6 in XCD) content is unchanged but more pages now that pages lengths are more consistent
  • added Algebra + Data Science book (G1-3) to this repository (previously it was in a different repository for piloting)

Release Version 5.4

Release date: December 2023

Revision Book(s)
Revision of C1-3 (ch10-12 in ABC and ABCD; ch4-6 in XCD):
  • added two sets of review questions to C
  • added chi-square test of independence to C2

Release Version 5.3

Release date: September 2023

Minor revisions only.

Release Version 5.2

Release date: June 2023

Minor revisions only.

Release Versions 5.1 and 5.1.1

Release date: March 2023

Minor revisions only.

Release Version 5.0

Release date: December 2022

Minor revisions only.

Revision Book(s)
Revision of B:
  • B3 (ch7) and B4 (ch8) is now split into B3 (ch7), B4 (ch8), B5 (ch9)
  • B1 (ch5) and B2 (ch6) have been edited to correspond to changes in B3-B5 (ch 7-9)
  • no more TinyFingers
  • added gf_model
Revision of D:
  • chapters that focus on interaction models (D3/ch15 and D4/ch16) have been added

To view how the major changes from version 4.0 to version 5.0 are reflected in the books, take a look at the structures of the ABC book by version.

Release Version 4.0

Release date: August 2022

Revision Book(s)
First version that has “books”
The sections A, B, C, D, X are groupings of chapters from the classic book (ABC, v3.0):
  • A = chapters 1-4 that focus on exploring variation
  • B = chapters 5-8 that focus on modeling variation
  • C = chapters 9-11 that focus on evaluating models of the DGP
  • D = new chapters that introduce multivariate models
  • X = an accelerated 3 chapter overview of chapters 1-8 for students who have already read AB or have had AP Statistics

Release Version 3.0

Release date: December 2021

Revision Book(s)
Introducing ckcode:
  • looks more like jupyter output
  • code and output is saved for students to come back to their work
  • no more solution button for students
  • replaces DataCamp
The launch of revised chapters 9-11:
  • content from v2.0 chapters 9, 10, 11 have been re-ordered
  • new chapter 9 focuses on hypothesis testing with 2 groups (i.e., t-test situations; permutation tests)
  • new chapter 10 focuses on extending hypothesis testing to multiple groups and regression models (i.e., ANOVA; permutation tests with F-statistic)
  • new chapter 11 focuses on confidence intervals of parameter estimates
  • old chapter 11 content is now in chapter 9 and 10; old chapter 10 content is now in chapter 11; old chapter 9 content is gone

Release Version 2.0

Revision Book(s)
The launch of revised chapter 2:
  • based on feedback from community college instructors

Release Version 1.0

Revision Book(s)
First version of CourseKata’s textbook