CourseKata’s Research Website

This is a growing resource hub to support and empower researchers working with CourseKata data. CourseKata’s “Better Book” approach to research and development allows researchers, developers, and instructors to use student data to improve the teaching and learning of challenging course materials. In particular, our current data and improvement cycles are focused on our textbooks (a set of data science and statistics materials that take a modeling approach) used by more than 100 colleges and high schools in a variety of courses, majors, and pathways.

Currently, there is a huge gap between research and practice. Scholarship unfortunately does not directly lead to improvements in teaching and learning. In contrast, the “Better Book” approach allows us to focus on problems and barriers identified by students and teachers, conduct rigorous research in student-facing materials, and to make learning experiences better based on data even before any official scholarly article get published!

The Better Book Approach for R & D

For more information on the “Better Book” approach that underlies CourseKata materials, read our article in the Teachers College Record.

We value your feedback and encourage you to contribute to the continuous improvement of CourseKata materials and the research platform. This website is still under construction and if you find something that’s missing or have an idea for a feature or improvement, please email us at Your insights are instrumental in identifying areas for enhancement and improving researchers’ experience working with CourseKataData.